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Lessn 07 论文 (第2/2页)
t's the fun of the abstract of thesis? / what's the a of the abstract of paper? / what role does the abstract play in the dissertation? 11 his paper is very ving. 他的论文很有说服力。 类似表达 his paper argues so persuasively. / his paper writes with force. / his paper is very persuasive. 12 hoarts does your paper sist of? 你的论文包括几部分? 类似表达 hoarts does your paper include? 13 the supervisor said that my dissertation was full of redundancies. 导师说我的论文重复内容太多。 单词释义 redundancy [r?'d?nd?ns?] n. 冗长,措辞重复 14 you'd better give a brief introdu of your innovation point in this part. 你最好在这一部分简要介绍一下你的创新点。 单词释义 innovation [??n??ve??n] n. 新观念,创新,改革 15 it's the clusion of the dissertation. 这是全文的总结。 类似表达 it's the summarization of the dissertation. / it summarizes the thesis. / it's the sum-up about this paper. 16 they are required to take part ihesis defense. 他们被要求参加论文答辩。 词组释义 take part in 参加……,参加……活动 thesis defense 论文答辩 17 i have to hand iypewritten dissertation before friday. 周五之前我必须要上交打印好的论文。 单词释义 typewritten [?ta?pr?tn] adj. 打印的,打字机打出的 18 steven fot to i footnotes in his dissertation. 史蒂文忘了给他的论文加脚注了。 类似表达 steven fot to footnote his dissertation. / steven fot to add / subjoin / append footo his dissertation. 19 how long did it take to write this paper? 你花了多少时间写这篇论文? 类似表达 how much time did you spend in writing this paper? / how long did you work on your paper? / how much time did you spend on this paper?