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Lessn 07 论文 (第1/2页)
lesson 07 论文 dissertation 01 i o write at least five theses this semester. 这学期我至少需要写五篇论文。 语法提要 theses 为thesis的复数形式,是“学术论文”的意思。 02 how is your paper ing along? 你的论文写得怎么样了? 类似表达 how about your paper? / how is your paper? / how's your paper going? 03 what topic is your dissertation on? 你的论文是关于什么主题的? 单词释义 dissertation [?d?s??te??n] n. 论文,毕业论文,学位论文 04 you should distill at least three keywords from your dissertation. 你至少要从论文中提炼出三个关键词。 单词释义 distill [d?s't?l] vt. 提炼,抽出……的精华 vi. 蒸馏,精炼,渗出 05 this paper be divided into three parts. 这篇论文可以分为三部分。 类似表达 three parts prises this paper. / this paper falls into three parts. / this thesis is posed of three parts. 06 before you start the writing, you should work out an outline for the essay. 在你开始写之前,你要为论文草拟个提纲。 词组释义 work out 制定出 07 everyone is expected to make a brief outline for the paper. 每个人都要列个论文提纲。 类似表达 all of you are required to draw up an outline for your dissertation. / everyone ought to give a broad outline of your thesis. 08 fiona is discussing the dissertation topic with her supervisor. 菲奥娜正在和她的导师讨论论文题目。 单词释义 supervisor [?su:p?va?z?(r)] n. 导师,主管,监督人 09 you tell me how to develop a research paper? 你能告诉我怎么写研究论文吗? 类似表达 would you mind telling me how to write a research paper? / would you like to tell me how a research paper is written? 10 what's the role of the abstract of dissertation? 论文摘要的作用是什么? 类似表达 wha