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Lessn 06 家庭作业 (第2/2页)
10 we all think that it is time for us to ask the teacher to reduce the amount of assig. 我们都认为是时候请求老师减轻作业量了。 语法提要 it is time for sb to do sth 此句型表示“对某人来说是做某事的时间了”。 11 the teacher praised lucy for her written work. 老师夸奖了露西,因为她的作业很整洁。 单词释义 praise [pre?z] vt. vi. 赞美,表扬 n. 赞扬 12 her mother turo be happy when she saw the tless red ticks in his exercise-book. 当妈妈看到他作业本上数不清的红勾时非常开心。 单词释义 tless [?ka?ntl?s] adj. 无数的,数不清的 tick [t?k] n. 勾号,记号 vt. 标记号于 vi. 发出滴答声 13 sonny always stalls when it es to the matter of his summer homework. 一提到做暑假作业的时候,桑尼就很拖沓。 单词释义 stall [st?:l] vt. vi. 拖延,搪塞 n. 托辞,货摊,畜栏 14 to over his assig once again to make sure that there were no spelling mistakes. 托尼又检查了一遍他的作业,以确保里面没有拼写错误。 词组释义 make sure 确保,确信 15 the tutor assigned me another set of arithmetic exercises as homework. 辅导老师给我布置了另一套算术练习题作为家庭作业。 单词释义 tutor [?tju:t?(r)] n. 家庭教师,助教,导师 vt. vi. 辅导,当家庭教师 arithmetic [??r?θm?t?k] n. 算法,算术,计算 16 i find that this type of exercise is a little difficult to me. 我发现这种题型对我来说有点儿难。 单词释义 type [ta?p] n. 类型,种类 vt. vi. 打字 17 it will take her more than one hour to plete her schoolwork every day. 她每天要用一个多小时的时间来完成家庭作业。 词组释义 more than 超出,多于,比……多 18 jennifer will be kept at school to tihe unfinished homework. 珍妮弗将被留在学校继续写没有完成的家庭作业。 类似表达 jennifer will be detai school to go on with her unfinished homework.