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04 游乐 (第1/6页)
04 游乐 公园里空气好 dialogue ethan and lee want to go to people's park to enjoy the fresh air. 伊桑和李想到人民公园里去呼吸一下新鲜空气。 ethaoday is saturday. what do you want to do? 伊桑:李,今天周六,你有什么安排? lee: ah…do you have any good suggestions? 李:呃,你有什么好建议吗? etha's go to people's park.the air is fresh in the park. 伊桑:那咱们去人民公园吧,那儿的空气好。 lee: sounds like a good idea. let's go! 李:这主意不错哦!咱们出发吧! ethan: look, the flowers have blossomed out. 伊桑:你看,公园里的花都开了呢。 lee: yeah, they are very beautiful. shall we take a picture of them? 李:是啊,真漂亮。咱们来照张相吧? ethan: ok, it's great. 伊桑:可以啊,太好了。 lee: wow, it is really agreeable to walk in such a quiet and air-fresh place. 李:哇,在这么安静、空气清新的地方散步真让人惬意啊。 ethan: yeah, especially after five busy days. do you want to e here week? 伊桑:对啊,尤其是忙了5天之后。下周还想来吗? lee: i really hope to e here every day! 李:我真希望能天天来啊! notes 1. sugguestion [s?'d?est??n] n. 建议,意见 2. blosson ['bl?s?m] v.(植物)开花 3. agreeable [?'gri:?b?l] adj. 愉快的,宜人的 小贴士 yellowstoional park in the winter of 1807, a lone fur-trapper journeyed deep into the heart of the rocky mountains. somewhere he headwater of the yellowstone river, he found a lost world. a wonderland, ruled by ice, fire and brimstone. a world of extremes that challenges all that strive to live here. winter in yellowstone, minus 40 degrees. for half the year, yellowstone is frozen solid. yet in the middle of this ice world there is scaldi. this is no ordinary plad there is no ordinary wihe fate of everything here lies in the hands of forces of almost unimaginable power. yellowstone is deep in the he