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03 艺术欣赏 (第1/7页)
03 艺术欣赏 音乐会上陶冶情操 dialogue elizabeth is on the way to go to the cert with her t. 伊利莎白正在陪客户去音乐会的路上。 elizabeth: i heard that you like classical music very much. then who is your favorite opera star? 伊利莎白:我听说你非常喜欢古典音乐,那你最喜欢哪位歌剧明星? mr. brown: the three tenors. 布朗先生:世界三大男高音。 elizabeth: oh, you mean pavarotti, domingo and carreras. have you seen their live shows? 伊利莎白:哦,你是说帕瓦罗蒂、多明戈和卡雷拉斯。你看过他们的现场演出吗? mr. brown: yeah. it's a solo cert by pavarotti. he put on the performan the forbidden city in beijing. it's really a unique experience. 布朗先生:是的,我去过帕瓦罗蒂的个人演唱会,是他在北京的故宫举办的演出。那真是特别的经历。 elizabeth: i've heard of that o was also his swan song. 伊利莎白:我听说过那场演出,那是他的告别演唱会。 mr. brown: yes. speaking of classical music, we should never fet about the new year's cert in vienna. 布朗先生:是的,谈到古典音乐,我们不能不提维也纳新年音乐会。 elizabeth: sure, it's undoubtedly one of the biggest classical music events. have you ever been to the live show? 伊利莎白:那是当然,它毫无疑问是最隆重的古典音乐盛典之一。你看过现场演出吗? mr. brown: yes, i went to the new year's cert in 2005. 布朗先生:是的,我看了2005年的新年音乐会。 elizabeth: so cool, i wish i go to the live new year's cert someday iure. 伊利莎白:真酷啊。我希望将来有一天我也可以去现场听新年音乐会。 mr. brown: the right opportunity for you would e soon. 布朗先生:你一定会有机会的。 elizabeth: i believe that. well, the performance is about to begi's be quiet. 伊利莎白:是的。对了,演出快要开始了,让我们保持安静吧。 notes 1. solo [?s?ul?u] n. 独唱,独奏;单飞;adj. 单独的,独自的;adv. 单独地,独自地 2. swan song 告别演唱会 3. forbidden city 紫禁城,故宫 小贴士 1. the cert was fully packed. 音乐会座无虚席。 2. the cert has a good start. 音乐会开场不错。 3. will you attend this cert? 你是否出席这场音乐会? 4. do you think the music is well linked? 你觉得这个音乐的衔接好吗? 博物馆里寻找历史的痕迹 dialogue mixing work with adequate rest