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03 亲朋好友 (第3/6页)
. ohird sunday in june, fathers all across the uates are gives,treated to dinner by children or other ways made to feel special. 美国是世界上把父亲节设立为法定节日的几个国家之一。在那天,孩子们向父亲致以敬意。在6月的第三个星期日,整个美国的父亲们会收到孩子们的礼物,被孩子们邀请吃饭或者有其他特别的活动。 送别朋友 dialogue after travelling in beijing for two weeks,maggie has to say goodbye to her friend susan. susan sees her off at the airport. 在北京游玩两星期后,麦琪不得不向她的朋友苏珊告别。苏珊在机场为她送行。 maggie: it's nice of you to e all the way to see me off at the airport, susan. 麦琪:一路来机场给我送行,太感谢你了,苏珊。 susan: my pleasure. if not the end of your holiday, i really don't want you to leave. 苏珊:别客气。如果不是因为你的假期结束,我真舍不得让你走。 maggie: during my stay here, you take me to see the national palace museum, the great wall and many other tourist attras and taste all the cates in beijing. thank you for all you've done for me. how i thank you enough? 麦琪:我在这儿逗留期间,你带我参观了故宫博物馆、长城和其他的旅游景点,并且尝遍了北京的美食。感谢你为我做的一切,真不知该怎样感谢你才好。 susan: i'm very happy to do all of that. listen,the announcer's announg the departure of flight no. 876 to guangxi. is it your flight? 苏珊:我很乐于做这些。听,播音员正在广播去广西的876航班要起飞了,是你的航班吧? maggie: yes, how time flies! i must be going. 麦琪:是的,时间过得真快!我得走了。 susan: i will miss you very much. take care of yourself and don't fet to keep in touch. 苏珊:我会想你的。保重,别忘了常联系。 maggie: i will. goodbye. 麦琪:我会的。再见。 susan: goodbye. have a good journey. 苏珊:再见。一路顺风。 notes 1. all the way 一直,完全 2. national palace museum 故宫博物院 3. the great wall 长城 4. tourist attra 旅游圣地 5. cate [keit] n. 佳肴,美食 6. departure [di'pɑ:t??] n. 出发,离开;分歧;新的尝试 7. keep in touch 保持联系 小贴士 送别(王维) 下马饮君酒,问君何所之? 君言不得意,归卧南山陲。 但去莫复闻,白云无尽时。 i dismount from my horse and i offer you wine, and i ask you where yoing and why. and you answer, i am distent and would rest at the foot