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03 亲朋好友 (第2/6页)
ight, and right she'll always be. 父爱如大山般深沉 dialogue tom meets with setbacks in his work and life. he falls into a depression. 汤姆在工作和生活中遇到了挫折。他变得很沮丧。 dad: what's the matter, son? 爸爸:你怎么了,儿子? tom: nothing, dad. i just feel a little depressed. 汤姆:没什么,爸爸。我只是有点沮丧。 dad: a little depressed? i saw you terribly distressed all day long lately. i know i am busy with my busihese years and care little for you, but i do pay much attention to you. i think we should have a heart-to-heart talk. 爸爸:有点沮丧?我看到你最近整天都愁眉不展的。我知道我这些年一直忙生意,对你不够关心,但是我确实是关心你啊。我想我们应该聊一聊。 tom: i lost my mind these days. things just don't ght, no matter how i try. 汤姆:我这些日子要崩溃了,不管我怎么努力,总是不顺。 dad: life will iably have setbacks. through all the pain, you'll finally truly find yourself. difficulties are only temporary. take what you need and be on your way. you know i always have faith in you. 爸爸:生活中难免会遇到挫折。经过了所有的苦痛,你才会找到真正的自己。困难只是暂时的。重整步伐,然后大步向前。你知道我一直都对你充满信心。 tom: you are always fident in me? but you never praise me no matter what i do. 汤姆:你对我有信心?但是无论我做什么,你从来不夸奖我。 dad: that's my way to educate you. and now i finally know what you want, i will ge my way later. 爸爸:那是我的教育方式。现在我明白了你想要的,我以后会改变我的教育方式的。 tom: i didn't see what a good father you were before, but i do now. yuidance has always been appreciated. how could i be so lucky to have a dad like you. thank you, dad. 汤姆:我以前不知道您是一个多么好的父亲,但是现在我知道了。我永远感激您的引导。我竟是如此幸运,能有像您这样的父亲。谢谢您,爸爸。 notes 1. heart-to-heart ['ha:tt?'ha:t] adj. 率直的;诚实的;n. 交心 2. lose one's mind 精神错乱 3. ght 成功地;顺利地;按预定计划地 4. iably [i?bli] adv. 不可避免地 5. setback ['setb?k] n. 挫折,失败;退步 6. temporary ['temp?reri] adj. 暂时的,临时的;n. 临时工 小贴士 the uates is one of the few tries in the world that regard father's day as an official day. on that day fathers are honored by their children