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31. Gee H. W. Bush, Remarks to the Federal Assembly in Prague, Czechoslovakia, November 17, 1990, accessed o Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, eds.,The Ameri Presidency Project. 32. Ibid. 33. Gee H. W. Bush, Remarks at Maxwell Air Force Base War College, Montgomery, Alabama, April 13, 1991, in Michael D. Gambone,Small Wars: LowIy Threats and the Ameri Response Since Vietnam (Knoxville: Uy of Tennessee Press, 2012), 121. 34. fronting the Challenges of a Broader World, President ton Address to the UN General Assembly, New York City, September 27, 1993, iment of State Dispatch 4, no. 39 (September 27, 1993). 35. Ibid. 36. Gee W. Bush, Presidential Address to a Joint Session of gress, September 20, 2001, inWe Will Prevail: President Gee W. Bush on War, Terrorism, and Freedom (New York: tinuum, 2003), 13. 37. Gee W. Bush, Presidential Address to the Nation, October 7, 2001, in ibid., 33. 38. Agreement on Provisional Arras in Afghanistan Pending the Reestablishment of Perma Gover Institutions, December 5, 2001, UN peacemaker online archive. 39. UN Security cil Resolution 1510 (October 2003). 40. 的确有人透露,即便呼吁新政府注意性别敏感性,在波恩的起草者们还是得赞扬阿富汗的圣战者hellip;hellip;是圣战英雄(heroes)。 41. Winston Churchill,My Early Life (New York: Charles Sers Sons, 1930), 134. 42. See Chapter 2. 43.The National Security Strategy of