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第八章 美国:心情矛盾的超级大国 1. 二战后第一位总统杜鲁门解释道,美国的外交政策坚定地建立在公平正义的原则之上,我们一定要努力把这一黄金原则应用到这个世界的国际事务中去。艾森豪威尔曾是一位坚强的士兵,作为总统,他几乎用同样的话语来表达目标:我们希望和平hellip;hellip;在国家生活中扎根。必须有正义,所有人民都能感受和分享hellip;hellip;必须有法律,所有国家都援用和尊重它。因此,正如杰拉尔德middot;福特在1974年国会联席会议上所说:成功的外交政策,是把全体美国人民的希望向外延伸,追求一个有序和平、有序改良和有序自由的世界。Harry S. Truman, Address on Fn Policy at the Navy Day Celebration in New York City, October 27, 1945; Dwight D. Eisenhower, Sed Inaugural Address (The Price of Peace), January 21, 1957, in Public Papers of the Presidents: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1957ndash;1961, 62ndash;63. Gerald Ford, Address to a Joint Session of gress, August 12, 1974, in Public Papers of the Presidents: Gerald R. Ford (1974ndash;1977), 6. 2. Lyndon B. Johnson, Address to the United Nations General Assembly, December 17, 1963. 3. For an eloquent exposition, see Robert Kagan,The World America Made (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2012). 4. Milovan Djilas,versations with Stalin, trans. Michael B. Petroview York: Harcourt Brace pany, 1962), 114. 5. Kennan to Charles Bohlen, January 26, 1945, as quoted in John Lewis Gaddis,Gee Kennan: An Ameri Life (New York: Penguin Books, 2011), 188. 6. Bohlen,Wito History, 176. 7. 美国大使馆当时暂时没有大使。Wmiddot;埃夫里尔middot;哈里曼已经离任,而沃尔特middot;比德尔middot;史密斯尚未赴任。 8. X [Gee F. Kennan], The Sources of Soviet duct,Fn Affairs 25, no. 4 (July 1947). 9. Ibid. 10. Robert Rhodes James, ed.,Winston S. Churchill: His plete Speeches, 1897ndash;1963(New York: Chelsea House, 1974), 7:7710. 11. A Report to the National Security cil by the Exec