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Lessn 10 包装 (第1/1页)
lesson 10 包装 pag 01 different articles require different forms of pag. 不同商品需要不同的包装。 单词释义 pag [?p?k??] n. 包装方式,打包,包装 02 have you seeest pag specifications? 你看过最新的包装规格了吗? 词组释义 pag specification 包装规格,装箱规格 03 we will pass on your opinions about the pag to our manufacturer as soon as possible. 我们会尽快将您对包装的意见传达给我们的生产商。 词组释义 pass on sth to sb 向某人传达某事 04 acc to what i'm informed, buyers usually bear the charges of pag. 据我所知,包装费用一般由买方承担。 单词释义 bear [be?(r)] vt. 承担,支撑,忍受 05 the er advised us to use cardboard cartons for the outer pag. 客户建议我们用硬纸箱做外包装。 单词释义 cardboard [?kɑ:db?:d] n. 纸箱,硬纸板 06 we have especially reinforced the pag to minimize the extent of any damage to the goods. 我们已经特意加固包装,以使货物的受损程度降到最低。 单词释义 reinforce [?ri:?n?f?:s] vt. 加固,强化 vi. 增援,给予支持 minimize [?m?n?ma?z] vt. 使减到最少,使降低 07 they asked us to have all their orders packed in this way from now on. 他们要求我们今后所有的货都要这样包装。 词组释义 from now on 从今以后,从现在起 08 we think the carton is not strong enough to be shipped. 我们认为纸箱在运输中不太结实。 单词释义 carton [?kɑ:tn] n. 纸板盒,硬纸盒 ship [??p] vt. vi. 用船运送 09 we wonder how you will pack the silk shirts. 我们想知道你们如何包装这些真丝衬衫。 类似表达 we want to know how the silk shirts will be packed. / we'd like to know something about the package of the silk shirts. 10 these goods are tastefully packed. 这些商品的包装十分精美。 单词释义 tastefully ['te?stf?l?] adv. 精美地,高雅地 pack [p?k] vt. vi. 包装,捆扎,挤满 note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________