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Lessn 05 营销计划 (第1/1页)
lesson 05 营销计划 advertisement plans 01 we are going to advertise our new produline. 我们打算通过网络对我们的新产品进行宣传。 单词释义 advertise [??dv?ta?z] vt. 做宣传,做广告,通告 vi. 做宣传,做广告,登广告 02 what advertising media are you going to use? 你们打算使用什么广告媒体? 类似表达 what advertising media will you use? / you tell me the advertising media that yoing to use? 03 television is much more effective in advertising. 电视广告更为有效。 语法提要 much more是固定短语,相当于一个副词,表示“更加,更多”。effective是effect的衍生词汇,effect既可以做名词也可以作动词,意为“影响,效果;使发生,引起”,而effective常作形容词,表示“有效的,起作用的,实际的”。 04 have you decided the item that will be the key products to promote this year? 你们决定好今年重点推销的产品了吗? 类似表达 have you made the decision that which product will be promoted this year? / have you got the item that will be promoted this year? 05 how long does it take to build the market? 需要多长时间才能建立起来市场? 类似表达 how long will the market be established? / how long will the market be set? 06 we decided to put advertisements about our new product. 我们决定为我们的新产品投放广告。 词组释义 put advertisements 投放广告,刊登广告 07 we definitely o choose i as a means of marketing. 我们一定得选择网络来作为我们的营销工具。 类似表达 i must be chosen as a means of marketing. / we have to choose i as a way of marketing. 08 we must accelerate our advertising. 我们必须加快广告宣传进度。 单词释义 accelerate [?k?sel?re?t] vt. 使加快,使加速,促进 vi. 加快,加速 09 romote our new products on television. 我们可以在电视上推销我们的新产品。 类似表达 television is an effective method that we use to promote our new products. 10 we drum up some ers for our new product by promotional campaign. 我们可以通过促销活动来为我们的新产品吸引顾客。 词组释义 drum up 招徕,招揽 promotional campaign 促销活动,推广活动,推销活动 11 you should try your best to attract the ers. 你们应该尽力招揽顾客。 类似表达 you should make a great effort to attract the ers. / great effort should be made to attract the ers.