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Lessn 15 电影 (第1/1页)
lesson 15 电影 movies 01 what's on this weekend? 这周末有什么电影上映? 类似表达 what will play this weekend? / what is going to show this weekend? 02 how about going to the ema tonight? 今晚去看电影怎么样? 语法提要 在句子中,how about结构等同于what about结构,表示询问某人的意见,about 为介词,后面跟动名词或名词。 03 i dislike love films, because i think they are cut from the same cloth. 我不喜欢爱情片,因为我认为它们都是千篇一律的。 词组释义 cut from the same cloth 千篇一律,大同小异 04 do you know who is starring in this film? 你知道是谁主演的这部电影吗? 单词释义 starring [stɑ:r??] n. 领衔主演 05 how long is the movie? 这部电影会放映多长时间? 类似表达 how long will the movie last? 06 the film has a superior cast. 这部电影的演员阵容很强大。 类似表达 the film has a terrific cast. 07 this film must have a robust box office. 这部电影的票房肯定很强劲。 单词释义 robust [r???b?st] adj. 强劲的,稳定的 08 this new film is over publicized. 这部新电影宣传过度了。 单词释义 publicize [?p?bl?sa?z] vt. 宣传,传播,宣扬,推广 09 the film is now hot showing in the big emas. 这部电影正在各大影院热映。 类似表达 the movie is hitting the big s in the big emas. / the play is being sed at the big emas. 10 this summer, there is a box office battle among these new plays. 今年夏天,这几部影片之间展开了票房大战。 词组释义 box office battle 票房大战 11 many people said that the film is such a mess after they went out from the emas. 走出电影院后,很多人都说这部电影是个烂片。 语法提要 after引导的时间状语从句通常是表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之后。 12 although the criticism is high, many people flocked to see the film. 尽管批评声很高,但还是有许多人涌到影院观看这部电影。 单词释义 flock[fl?k vi. 群集,成群结队而行 note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________