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Lessn 11 戒烟 (第1/1页)
lesson 11 戒烟 quitting smoking 01 how long have you been a smoker? 你抽烟多久了? 语法提要 smoker是smoke的衍生词汇,smoke作名词表示“香烟”,作动词表示“抽烟,吸烟”,而smoker是名词,表示“吸烟者”。 02 i have given up smoking. 我已经戒烟了。 类似表达 i have stopped smoking. / i have laid aside the habit of smoking. / i have stayed off smoking. 03 you ought to give up smoking. 你该戒烟了。 类似表达 it is time for you to quit smoking. / it is time to pack yarette in. 04 are you going to give up smoking? 你打算戒烟吗? 类似表达 are you going to quit smoking? / do you plan to quit smoking? 05 i am trying to give up smoking. 我正在努力戒烟。 词组释义 try to do sth 努力做某事,尝试做某事 06 mr. jonson has decided to give up smoking. 琼森先生已经决定要戒烟。 类似表达 mr. jonson has determio quit smoking. / mr. jonson has made up his mind to give up smoking. 07 i'd like to suggest you quitting smoking. 我建议你戒烟。 类似表达 i'd like to advise you to give up smoking. 08 he tried to give up smoking but failed. 他试图戒烟,但是失败了。 语法提要 try to do sth 表示“试图做某事”,tried是try的过去式和过去分词形式。 09 smoking is harmful to health, but it is not easy to quit. 虽然吸烟有害健康,但是要戒烟并不容易。 词组释义 be harmful to 对……有害 10 i 't quit smoking. 我根本戒不了烟。 类似表达 i 't give up smoking. / i 't stop smoking. 11 i determio give up smoking from week. 我决定从下周开始戒烟。 类似表达 i decide to quit smoking from week. note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________