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Lessn 10 后悔 (第1/1页)
lesson 10 后悔 regret 01 i shouldn't have do. 我真不该那样做。 语法提要 shouldn't have done 为情态动词 have 过去分词的形式,在这里表示本不该做某事而做了,含有懊悔的意思。 02 i regret doing that. 我后悔那样做了。 类似表达 i'm sorry for what i have done. / i regret my as. / i repent my as. 03 it could be better if i have known it earlier. 我早弄清楚就好了。 类似表达 i should have knower. / i wish i have knower. 04 it was so careless of me to do that. 那样做,我也太不小心了。 单词释义 careless [?ke?l?s] adj. 粗心的,疏忽的 05 i went too far. 我做得太过分了! 类似表达 i've goo much. / i overdid it. 06 i wish i wouldn't have said that. 我要是没说那话就好了。 类似表达 i regret i have said that. / i wish i wouldn't have said that. 07 i shouldn't drink and drive. 我不应该酒后开车。 词组释义 drink and drive 酒后驾车 08 thomas bitterly repented his folly. 托马斯对自己干的蠢事后悔不已。 单词释义 repent [r?'pent] vt. vi. 感到忏悔或懊悔 folly [?f?l?] n. 蠢事,荒唐事 09 margaret was filled with remorse for not helping us. 玛格丽特因没有帮助我们而深怀内疚。 单词释义 remorse [r?'m?:s] n. 悔恨,自责,懊悔 10 viviaed her thoughtlessness. 薇薇安后悔自己的轻率。 单词释义 thoughtlessness ['θ?:tl?sn?s] n. 轻率,欠考虑 11 i feel bad about it. 我觉得很内疚。 类似表达 i feel guilty. / i feel horrible. 12 she's ruing that she has wasted so much money on the car. 她后悔在那辆小汽车上浪费了那么多钱。 单词释义 rue [ru:] vt. vi. 对……感到后悔 note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________