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Lessn 05 羞愧 (第2/2页)
那个小女孩的脸颊因为羞愧而发烫。 类似表达 the little girl felt hot with shame. 12 tom was quite shameless about his bad behavior. 汤姆对自己的不良行为全然不知羞耻。 类似表达 tom had no shame about his bad behavior. / tom was pletely dead to shame about his bad behavior. 13 he was ashamed at being uo give answer. 他因回答不出而感到羞愧难当。 语法提要 词组be ashamed at意思是“为……羞愧”,其中的at 为介词,介词后面跟动词的时候,要用动词-ing形式,所以在此句中用的是being。 14 he is in the abyss of shame. 他极度羞愧。 单词释义 abyss [??b?s] n. 深渊,无底洞 15 i am ashamed at what i have done. 我为自己所做的事情感到羞愧。 类似表达 i am ashamed that i have do. / i feel ashamed at what i have done. / i blushed for what i have done. 16 she should have been ashamed then. 她当时真该感到羞愧。 语法提要 此句含有“情态动词 have 过去分词”的用法,表示对过去情况的推测。在这里,should have done 表示一种假设,指过去应该做某事而事实上没有做,略带责备的意思。 17 what her boss said to her was a real scorcher. 她老板的挖苦令她羞愧难当。 单词释义 scorcher [?sk?:t??(r)] n. 精彩的击球,大热天,尖刻的讽刺 note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________