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Lessn 04 失望 (第1/2页)
lesson 04 失望 disappoi 01 what a disappoi! 真让人失望! 类似表达 what a letdown! / that's a real letdown! / this is disappointing! 02 what a bummer! 太扫兴了! 单词释义 bummer [?b?m?(r)] n. 郁闷,心烦 03 she let her parents down. 她让父母失望了。 词组释义 let sb down 让某人失望 04 what a pity! 太遗憾了! 类似表达 what a bummer! / what a shame! 05 all the efforts went down the drain. 所有的努力都白费了。 词组释义 go down the drain 白白地被浪费掉,枉费心机 06 my effort was wasted. 我白费力气了。 类似表达 all that went for nothing. / it was a waste of effort. / all my effort went down the drain. /it was all a waste. / it was all for nothing. / all my efforts ended up in smoke. 07 you let me down. 你真让我失望。 类似表达 yht me down. / you disappointed me. / i'm disappointed with you. 08 that's too bad! 太糟糕了! 类似表达 that's terrible! / too bad! 09 i messed up. 我搞砸了。 词组释义 mess up 弄糟,搞砸 10 it wasn't as good as i thought it would be. 没有我原先想象的好。 类似表达 it didn't e up to expectation. / i'd expected it to be much better. / it's not as good as i had expected. 11 the movie was sort of disappoi