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Lessn 02 绘画 (第2/2页)
后印象派 appeal to对……产生吸引力 12 these paints demonstrate the painter's thought. 这些画体现了画家的思想。 单词释义 demonstrate [?dem?] vt. 证明,显示,体现 vi. 示威游行 13 we tell a painter's character from his works. 我们可以从一位画家的作品中看出他的性格。 词组释义 tell... from... 从……中看出/辨别…… 14 when i am free, i like painting. 在我闲暇的时候,我喜欢画画。 语法提要 when可以作疑问副词、疑问代词、从属连词和连接副词等,作连接副词时表示“当……时”,引导不定式结构和从句,从句的语序为陈述语序,其时态根据意思而定。 15 who is your favorite impressionist? 你最喜欢的印象派画家是谁? 语法提要 favorite 的意思是“最爱的”,是一个特殊形容词,其本身含有最高级的意思,所以当表示比较级或最高级时,前面不用加more 或most。 16 we are eager to know who paihe picture. 我们很想知道这幅画是谁画的。 类似表达 we want to know who paihe picture very much. / we are eager to know the picture's author. / we have an urge to know who paihe picture. 17 the painter likes to stamp his name on his own works. 这位画家喜欢在自己的作品上签名。 单词释义 stamp [st?mp] n. 邮票,标志,印记 vt. 盖章于……,标记,贴邮票于…… vi. 跺脚 18 they looked just like live birds. 它们看起来好像活的鸟。 类似表达 it seemed that they are live birds. / they appeared to be true birds. / they looked as if they were live birds. note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________