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Lessn 01 唱歌 (第1/2页)
unit 04 娱乐出游 eai and travelling lesson 01 唱歌 singing 01 i'm really fond of singing. 我非常喜欢唱歌。 类似表达 i like singing. / i like to sing. / i am ied in singing. 02 my hobby is singing. 我的爱好是唱歌。 单词释义 hobby [?h?b?] n. 兴趣,爱好 03 my favorite form of music is pop. 我最喜欢的音乐类型是流行乐。 类似表达 pop music is my favorite. / i like nothier than pop. / which i like best is pop. 04 her singing is wonderful. 她的歌声很美妙。 单词释义 wonderful [?w?nd?fl] adj. 极好的,美妙的,精彩的 05 i like to listen to her songs. 我喜欢听她的歌。 语法提要 like to do sth 表示喜欢做某事,不带有持续性,只在某一阶段喜欢,不代表一直喜欢。 06 i like listening to her songs. 我喜欢听她的歌。 语法提要 like doing sth 表示的是一种爱好,嗜好,带有持续性。 07 jerry passed his time in singing all the time. 杰瑞所有的时间都消磨在唱歌上。 词组释义 pass the time 消磨时光,打发时间 08 i 't stand his singing. 我不能忍受他的歌声。 类似表达 i 't put up with his singing. / i 't bear his singing. / i 't sit down with his singing. 09 you always sing out of the tune. 你总是唱歌跑调。 类似表达 you always sing out of key. / you always sing in the wrong key. 10 a good musicality is important in singing. 好的乐感在唱歌中很重要。 单词释义 musicality [?mju:z?'k?l?t?] n. 音乐性,乐感 11 when the group sing, their voices had a good teamwork. 当这个组