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Lessn 10 留学 (第2/2页)
tificate 暂住证 11 all the information should be included in the application packet. 所有的资料都要在申请表的袋子里。 词组释义 be included in 被纳入,包括 12 the applit must have enough eic capacity. 申请者必须具备足够的经济实力。 单词释义 applit [??pl?k?nt] n. 申请人,申请者 13 our ter will make feasible overseas study plan for ts. 我们中心会为学生设计切实可行的留学方案。 单词释义 feasible ['fi:z?b(?)l] adj. 切实可行的,可能的 14 if the letter of admission does not include a visa certificate and does not refer to its being issued, then you should write for clarification. 如果入学通知书既没有附申请签证证明书,又未说明是否即将发出,那么你就应该写信去问清楚。 单词释义 issue [???u:] vt. vi. 发布,发行,流出 n. 问题,流出,发行物,(报刊)期号 clarification [?kl?r?f?'ke??n] n. 解释,澄清,说明 15 the sular officer will take your picture and your fingerprints. 领事馆官员会获取你的照片和指纹。 单词释义 fingerprint [?f??g?pr?nt] n. 指纹,指印 16 we must have the official uy transcripts sent directly from your previous school. 我们要拿到由原学校寄来的正式大学成绩单。 单词释义 transcript [?tr?nskr?pt] n. 成绩单,副本,抄本 17 all the iional students must take out health insurance. 所有的留学生都要参加健康保险。 词组释义 take out an insurance 参加保险,投保 18 you have to show a valid admissioer for your visa application. 你需要为你的签证申请提供一张有效的录取通知书。 词组释义 admissioer 录取通知书 note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________