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Lessn 11 烹饪 (第1/2页)
lesson 11 烹饪 cooking 01 are you ied in cooking? 你对烹饪感兴趣吗? 类似表达 do you go for cooking? / does cooking appeal to you? / are you keen on cooking? / are you fond of cooking? / do you like cooking? 02 cooking is my long suit. 烹饪是我的强项。 词组释义 long suit 长处,强项 03 are you good at cooking? 你擅长烹饪吗? 类似表达 do you have excellent ary skills? / do you skilled in cooking? / do you adept at cooking? 04 could you give me a hand i? 你能到厨房给我搭把手吗? 类似表达 could you do me a favor i? / you help me i? / could you lend me a favor i? 05 what would you like to eat for dinner? 晚饭你想吃什么? 类似表达 what do you want to eat for dinner? / what would you like to have for dinner? 06 lucy is not very good at cooking. 露茜不太擅长烹饪。 类似表达 lucy is not much of a cook. / lucy is not very skill in cooking. 07 i make some spaghetti for dinner. 晚饭我做了一些意大利面。 词组释义 spaghetti [sp??get?] n. 意大利面条,意大利式细面条 08 cooking is no easy matter for me. 对我来说烹饪不是一件容易的事情。 类似表达 it's not easy to cook for me. / cooking is not duck soup for me. 09 do you know how to cook french cuisine? 你会做法国料理吗? 类似表达 you cook french cuisine? 10 could you teach me the ways of cooking spaghetti bolognese? 你可以教我做传统肉酱意大利面? 类似表达