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Lessn 09 选购 (第1/1页)
lesson 09 选购 purchasing 01 i like this style. do you have other colors? 我喜欢这个款式,你们有其他颜色的吗? 注意事项 这句话的潜在意思是:i like this style but not the color. (我喜欢这个款式,但不喜欢颜色),要求再看看其他颜色的同款。 02 could i have a try at those shoes? 我能试试那双鞋子吗? 词组释义 have a try 试穿,尝试 03 this camera is best-seller in our shop. 这款相机是我们店里卖得最好的。 单词释义 best-seller [?best?sel?(r)] n. 畅销书,畅销品 04 wele to buy. 欢迎选购。 注意事项 这句话通常是顾客进店时,店员对顾客说的话,或者说wele to our shop! 在顾客离开时则说thank you for your ing (谢谢您的光临)!或wele to e again (欢迎下次再来)。 05 could you introduce me some latest styles? 你可以给我介绍一些最新款吗? 类似表达 would you reend me some latest models? / would you like reend some latest fashions to me? 06 i want to buy a pair of shoes to go with this skirt. 我想买一双跟这条裙子相配的鞋子。 类似表达 i want to have a right shoes for this skirt. / i want to buy a pair of shoes to coordih this skirt. 07 you see these styles sell very well this summer. 你可以看看这些款式,它们都是今年夏季卖得很好的。 注意事项 这句话是导购给顾客介绍产品时的常用语。 08 do you have a smaller ohis is the wrong size. 你们有小号的吗?这件尺寸不太合适。 类似表达 you give me a smaller ohis size doesn't fit me. / do you have a smaller ohis size dosen't suit me well. 09 i don't like shopping on weekends because of the hustle and bustle. 我不喜欢周末去购物,因为太喧闹。 词组释义 hustle and bustle熙熙攘攘 10 would you reend me any of the skirt? 你能给我推荐一些裙子吗? 注意事项 这句话通常是顾客在拿不定主意时询问售货员或同伴的话,类似的表达还有:would you show me any of the skirt? note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________