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Lessn 04 理发 (第2/2页)
want to have my hair done in a rather fashioyle. 我想做一个稍微时尚一点的发型。 语法提要 done是do的过去分词形式,have sth done表示“使/让别人做某事”,这里指让理发师做头发。rather作副词修饰形容词,意为“稍微,有点儿”。 11 this is the latest hair style. 这是最新的发型。 语法提要 latest是形容词late的最高级,表示“最新的,最近的”。一般来说,形容词最高级之前需要加上the。 12 what hair style would you like? 你想要什么发型? 类似表达 what hair style do you want? / how would you like your hair cut? 13 i would like to dye my hair flaxen. 我想把头发染成亚麻色。 单词释义 dye [da?] vt. 染色,给……染色 n. 染料,染液 14 the hairstyle looks quite ni you. 这个发型很适合您。 类似表达 you look quite h the hairstyle. / the hairstyle is quite suit for you. 15 what do you think of my new haircut? 你觉得我的新发型怎么样? 类似表达 how do you like my new hair style? / what do you say to my new hair style? 16 does curly hair e bato vogue? 卷发又开始流行起来了吗? 类似表达 does curly hair e bato fashion? / does curly hair bee popular again? 17 i am very satisfied with the hair style you have done for me. 我对你给我做的这个发型很满意。 语法提要 satisfied是动词satisfy的过去式和过去分词,同时也是一个形容词,be satisfied with表示“对……满意”。 18 you would look h short hair. 你剪短发一定很好看。 类似表达 you would look great with short hair style. / you would look h short hair style.