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Lessn 01 搬家 (第1/2页)
unit 02 日常生活 daily life lesson 01 搬家 moving house 01 i am going to move this weekend. 我这周末要搬家。 语法提要 am是be动词,be going to是将来时结构,表示“打算做……,将要……”,其后跟动词原形。 02 we will make a move month. 我们下个月要搬家。 词组释义 make a move 搬家 03 i want to move into a better apartment. 我想搬到一个好一点的房子里去。 语法提要 better是good、well的比较级形式,表示“更好的”。 04 i will move into this flat at the end of this month. 这个月底我将会搬进这所公寓。 单词释义 flat [fl?tn. 公寓,平面 adj. 平的,不景气的,单调的 05 would you mind helpio move my house? 你介意过来帮我搬家吗? 语法提要 would you mind表示“你介意……吗?”,经常用于请求别人帮助时的提问。其后可以跟名词、动名词,也可以跟句子。 06 i will help you to move your house on that day. 那天我会过来帮你搬家的。 语法提要 help sb to do sth 表示“帮助某人做某事” 07 i am very happy that you e to help me move. 我很高兴你能过来帮我搬家。 类似表达 i am very glad that you e to move house for me. 08 you'd better find some movers to help you to move. 你最好找一些搬家工人来帮助你搬家。 语法提要 you'd better是固定用法,意为“你最好……”,常用于给别人提意见的时候。其后跟动词原形。 09 moving house is really a vexatious business. 搬家真的是件麻烦事。 单词释义 vexatious [vek?se???s] adj. 伤脑筋的,麻烦的 10 it is not so easy for me to hand