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Lessn 10 欢迎与送别 (第2/2页)
ying a word. 听到他们一句话也没说就离开的消息我伤心至极。 单词释义 insolable [??nk?n?s??l?bl] adj. 无法安慰的,极为伤心的,极悲痛的 11 we're going to send her off at the airport tomorrow. 我们打算明天一起去机场给她送行。 语法提要 在及物动词 副词结构中,如果宾语是人称代词,则代词要放在二者之间,如:send her off,表示“为她送行”,turn it down,表示“把音量调小一点”。 12 tears spouted from my eyes uionally when they left. 他们离开时,我不禁泪如雨下。 类似表达 i 't help g when they left. / tears stream down my cheeks when they left. / i burst into tears when they left. 13 whenever i think about leaving, my heart is filled with grief. 一想到离别,我的内心就充满了悲伤。 语法提要 whenever相当于no matter when,二者都可以引导让步条件状语从句,但是当引导主语从句和宾语从句时,不可以用no matter when代替whenever。 14 people always give him a warm wele when the singer appears on public occasions. 当那名歌手出现在公共场所时,人们总是给予他们热烈的欢迎。 词组释义 give sb a warm wele 给予某人热烈的欢迎 15 wele to listen to the broadcast program today. 欢迎收听今天的广播节目。 词组释义 broadcast program 广播节目 16 it's very kind of you to send me off here. 你能来送我真的是太好了。 语法提要 adj. of sb表示某人的属性、特征,常见的搭配有it's kind of you. / it's nice of you. 17 don't fet to keep in touch with each other. 不要忘了要常联系。 语法提要 祈使句的否定形式可以在句首加don't,如:don't be late,表示“不要迟到”。 18 i will miss you. 我会想你的。 类似表达 i'm going to miss you. / i will think of you. / i shall miss you. 19 french leave will make me sad. 不辞而别会让我很伤心。 词组释义 french leave 不辞而别