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04 销售服务 (第4/4页)
heck it for a few minutes. if it is caused by the quality, we'll ge a new pair for you. 店家:好的,根据保修单,我们会花几分钟时间进行检查。如果是由于质量问题引起的,我们会为您换一双新的。 emily: the quality is too poor. i have just worn them for a few days. 埃米莉:质量太差了,我才刚穿了几天。 seller: from the feedback of selling, there are few ces for such kind of thing happening. we are deeply sorry for it this time. 卖家:从销售的反馈情况来看,这种情况发生的几率很小。这次我们深表歉意。 emily: what if it happens again? 埃米莉:如果再发生这种情况呢? seller: we guarahat it won't happen again, madam. 卖家:我们保证以后不再发生,女士。 emily: i mean just in case? 埃米莉:我是说万一呢? seller: then we will return your money back, madam. but we will try our best to make you satisfied this time. 卖家:那我们会退还您的费用,女士。但这次我们会尽最大努力使您满意。 emily: ok, i trust you. 埃米莉:好吧,我相信你。 notes 1. heel [hi:l] n. 足跟,踵部,后跟;v.(使)倾斜 2. cause [k?:z] n. 原因,起因;事业;原则;v. 成为……的原因,引起,促使,使发生 3. poor [pu?] adj. 贫困的,贫穷的;低劣的,次等的;(身体)衰弱的;可怜的,不幸的 4. feedback [?fi:db?k] n.反馈;反馈信息 5. trust [tr?st] n. 信任,相信;托管;关怀;职责;v. 相信,信任 小贴士 1. i'd like to exge this earphohe tone quality is too bad. 我要退换这副耳机,音质太差了。 2. we 't accept the returning if there's no receipt. 没有收据我们是不能退换的。 3. this shirt had lost its color after the first washing. 这件衣服洗了一次就掉颜色了。 4. we ge a new one for you. 我们可以为您换一个新的。 5. there's a quality problem with the shoes. they were broken so easily. 这鞋的质量有问题,这么容易就穿破了。 6. would you like an exge or a refund? 您是想要换货还是退货?