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04 销售服务 (第2/4页)
担心了。 4. i'm waiting for your delivery at home iernoon. 我下午在家等着你们送货。 5. please enter your detailed address here. 请在这里填写您的详细地址。 6. the goods will be delivered in two days. please keep your mobile phone p on. 货物会在两日内运送过去。请保持你的手机处于开机状态。 维修服务 dialogue because of the misuse, sally's puter runs very slow and often crashes. 因为不合理使用,萨莉的电脑运行很慢,还经常死机。 sally: have you found the problem of my puter? i have just bought it here for one month. why does it run rather slow and often freeze now? 萨莉:你找到我电脑的毛病了吗?我在这买了才一个月。为什么现在运行很慢,经常死机? seller: the hardware is ok. the problem is that there are too many viruses in your puter. the virus disturb the w of the puter. there's no anti-virus system in your puter. it would be ied easily. 店家:硬件没有问题。问题是你电脑里有很多病毒。病毒会干扰电脑的正常工作。您电脑上没安装杀毒软件,很容易被感染病毒。 sally: but it needs moo activate the anti-virus software. i thought there's no need of it. 萨莉:但是激活杀毒软件需要钱啊,我觉得没有必要。 seller: no, an anti-virus software protect your puter effitly. for you have just bought it here for one month, i help you to set up one and activate it. the validity is 3 months. 店家:不,杀毒软件能有效保护您的电脑。你在这儿买了才一个月,我可以帮你安装并激活,有效期是三个月。 sally: ok, thank you. 萨莉:好的,谢谢。 seller: also, i found that there are many dots in your c disk. and that's also a reason that your puter works slow. 店家:而且,我发现你的c盘里装有许多文件。这也是你电脑变慢的一个原因。 sally: you mean the dots should not be set up in c disk? 萨莉:你是说文件不能装在c盘吗? seller: yes, the c d