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02 交通 (第2/8页)
ng with his girlfriend that he is going to shanghai for a busirip. 安德鲁正在和他女朋友讨论他去上海出差的事。 andrew: i'm going to shanghai for a busirip week. 安德鲁:我下周要去上海出差。 emily: that's a long way. will you get there by plane or by train? 埃米莉:那路途很远啊。你打算乘飞机还是坐火车? andrew: i want to get there by train. it's cheaper and safer than plane. 安德鲁:我想坐火车。它比飞机更便宜,更安全。 emily: the plane is also very safe now. there're few acts happened i years. 埃米莉:现在坐飞机也很安全啊。近年来基本没有什么事故发生。 andrew: but i'm still afraid to take a plane. i have the acrophobia. 安德鲁:但我还是很害怕,我有恐高症。 emily: in fact, it's not so awful. it will be ok if you don't look out of the window. 埃米莉:实际上没那么可怕。你不往窗外看就没事了。 andrew: i still 't do it. each time i think about it, my brain just freaks out. moreover,the train is much faster now than the past. 安德鲁:还是不行,一想到做飞机,我就头晕。况且,现在火车的速度也比以前快多了。 emily: oh, i know. have you bought the ticket? 埃米莉:哦,我了解了。你票买好了吗? andrew: not yet. i'll buy it tomorrow. 安德鲁:还没呢,明天就去买。 notes 1. act [??ksid?nt] n. 意外遭遇,事故;机遇;命运,造化 2. acrophobia [??kr?'f?ubi?] n. 恐高症 3. awful [??:ful] adj. 糟糕的,可怕的;惊人的;非常的,极大的 4. freak [fri:k] v.(使)强烈反应;震惊,畏惧;n. 畸形生物,怪物;反常的事,怪事;有怪癖的人 5. moreover [m?:?r?uv?] adv. 再者,此外,而且 小贴士 1. it is more eical and veo get there by train than driving a car. 坐火车去那里比开汽车更经济方便。 2. what's your carriage number? 你在几号车厢? 3. excuse me, is there any ticket to kunming tomorrow m? 打扰一下,有明天早上去昆明的票吗? 4. wait here for a moment. i'll buy a magazio spend the dull time orain. 在这儿等一下。我去买本杂志,用来打发火车上的无聊时光。 5. stay away from the scalper when buying tickets orain station. 在火车站买票时要远离黄牛党。 6. we o hurry up. the train is about to start.