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04 游乐 (第3/6页)
sue: wow! so beautiful! i finally get to see my yearning peonies. let's get in at o's said in the guidebook that peonies are big in flowers and ri variety, and therefore are praised as the king of flowers. with its mild climate and moderate rain, luoyang is a suitable place for peoo grow. 苏:喔,太漂亮了!我终于看到朝思暮想的牡丹了。赶快进去吧。旅游指南上介绍说牡丹花大并且品种繁多,因此被誉为“百花之王”。洛阳温度适宜、雨量适中,很适合牡丹生长。 maggie: you're well informed. look! this flower looks peculiar. 麦琪:你知道得真多。看!那朵花好奇特啊。 sue: oh, it's a rare breed called “erqiao”. there are two different colors in a flower. it is very beautiful, isn't it? 苏:哦,那是名贵的品种,叫“二乔”。一朵花有两种不同的颜色。很漂亮,不是吗? maggie: yeah, i've never seen such kind of flowers. 麦琪:是的,很漂亮。我从来没见过这样的花。 sue: what's more quaint, there are many different colored flowers blossoming in a plant. 苏:更奇特的是,一株牡丹会开很多种不同颜色的花朵呢。 maggie: so great! this time i do widen my view. 麦琪:太棒了!这次我真是大开眼界了。 notes 1. peony show 牡丹花会 2. yearning ['j?:ni?] n. 渴望,思慕;adj. 渴望的,怀念的 3. guidebook ['gaidbuk] n. 旅行指南,参考手册 4. mild [maild] adj. 温和的,柔和的;宽大的;清淡的 5. moderate ['m?d?reit] adj. 适度的;温和的;稳健的;中等的;v. 节制;使稳定;使缓和 6. peculiar [pi'kju:lj?] adj. 奇怪的;特殊的,独特的,古怪的;n. 特权 7. breed [bri:d] v. 繁殖;养育;n. 品种;血统 8. quaint [kweint] adj. 奇特有趣的;古色古香的;古怪的 9. blossom ['bl?s?m] n. 花;开花;全盛期;v. 开花;成长 小贴士 名花赏析: the calla lily 马蹄莲 the calla lily is simple, as all elegant things. it makes a great potted plant, but you should be careful for children and animals: callas are very toxic, if eaten! 马蹄莲花集朴素、典雅于一身。虽然马蹄莲花是一种极好的盆栽花,但是你要留心你的小孩和动物,不要让他们吃了它,马蹄莲花有剧毒。 the bird of paradise 天堂鸟 this amazing flower h