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03 艺术欣赏 (第3/7页)
the british museum was established in 1753, largely based on the colles of the physi and stist sir hans sloahe museum first opeo the publi january 15th 1759 in montagu house in bloomsbury, oe of the current museum building. its colles, whiumber more than seven million objects, are amongst the largest and most prehensive in the world and inate from all tis, illustrating and doting the story of human culture from its beginning to the present. as with all other national museums and art galleries in britain, the museum charges no admission fee, although charges are levied for some temporary special exhibitions. 大英博物馆成立于1753年。其早期收藏品主要来自于内科医生和科学家汉斯·斯隆先生的捐赠。大英博物馆于1759年1月15在布卢姆茨伯里地区的蒙塔古大楼首次对外开放。该址就是现在博物馆大楼的所在地。博物馆收藏了世界各地的许多文物和图书珍品,共有展品700万件,其展品记载了人类从古至今的历史,属于世界上最大最丰富的。同英国其他的国家博物馆和艺术博物馆一样,大英博物馆不收取入场费,但有时会收取一些特别展览会的费用。 琳琅满目的画展 dialogue helen inteo work overtime, but she succumbs to the temptations of the exhibition of painting. 海伦原打算加班,但是她抵挡不住画展的诱惑。 susan: shall i punch out for you, helen? i'm leaving now. 苏珊:海伦,要我帮你打卡吗?我马上要下班了。 helen: no, thanks. i've to work overtime. 海伦:谢谢,不用了。我今天得加班。 susan: oh, e on. today is friday. you're not going to work overtime on friday evening, are you? 苏珊:噢,算了吧。今天可是礼拜五,你不是今天晚上打算加班吧,是吗? helen: well, i am. i have to finish this report for monday's meeting. how about you? what will you do after work? 海伦:被你说对了。我得完成下周一的会议上要用的报告。你呢?下班后有什么打算? susan: i have two plimentary tickets of an exhibition of painting. i inteo go with you… 苏珊:我有两张画展的赠票,本来打算和你一起去的…… helen: whose exhibition? 海伦:谁的画展? susan: one of my friend's. she is good at ese brush painting aern impressionism. 苏珊:是我一个朋友的。她很擅长中国水墨画和西方印象画。 helen: wow, it's my style. 海伦:哇!正合我的口味。 susan: to be or not to be? 苏珊:去,还是不去? helen: i am in a rea