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01 初识 (第2/3页)
sarah: really? i didn't know it yet. i asked for leave yesterday. how do you think of her? 莎拉:是吗?我还不知道。我昨天请假了。你觉得那个女孩怎么样? kathrine: she impressed me very well. she is tall and slim. 凯瑟琳:她给我的第一印象挺不错。她个子高高的,很苗条。 sarah: she must be very attractive. i don't expect her to be a vase or a brown-noser in our team. 莎拉:那她一定很迷人。我真不希望她是一个花瓶或者是个马屁精。 katherine: maybe her. though she is a green hand here, she is enthusiastid diligent. i often see smiles on her face. 凯瑟琳:可能不是。尽管她是个新手,但她工作很有热情,很勤快。我经常看到她脸上挂着笑容。 sarah: first impressions t. look at the war without smoke of gunpowder in other pahey are scheming against each other. oh, my god. i don't really bring it up. 莎拉:第一印象很重要。看看其他公司的没有硝烟的战场,彼此勾心斗角的。哦,天啊,我真不想提。 katherine: yeah, i am really fear of those who do somethily in his power to obstruct your development. that's terrible. 凯瑟琳:是呀,我真的也很担心那种在背后使坏的人。那太可怕了。 sarah: what a good thing that we get along very well in the pany! 莎拉:真庆幸我们公司的同事都相处得很好。 notes 1. brown-noser [braun'n?uz?] n. 拍马屁的人 2. diligent ['dilid??nt] adj. 勤奋的,勤快的 3. gunp?n,paud?] n. 火药 4. scheme [ski:m] n. 阴谋,计划,方案;v. 图谋,设计,策划 5. obstruct [?b'str?kt] v. 阻隔,妨碍,阻塞 小贴士 女性穿裙装可以为你的职场形象加分 a research has revealed that opinions of others, based purely on the clothes you are wearing, are formed within seds of first meeting. women who wear skirts and jackets are viewed as more fident, higher-paid and more dependable than those wearing a trouser suit. women dressed in a feminine way yet are still perceived as fident and successful. the skirt suit seems to balance professionalism with attractiveherefore, for women, if you want to make a right and strong first expression,dressing a skirt may do it. 调查发现,基于人们所穿的衣服,人们在第一次见面时,几秒钟之内就会形成一个印象。相对于穿裤装来说,穿裙子和短上衣的女性看起来更加自信,收入更高也更加可靠。 女人穿着女性化的服装,这也表达了一种自信和成功。