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05 业余充电 (第3/3页)
e to study further to improve my abilities. 我不想止步不前,所以我想继续学习以提高能力。 7. my pany has been very supportive about my further education. and has cut back my w hours in order to aodate my studies. 我的公司非常支持我再深造,而且已减少了我的工作时间,以便我有更多的时间学习。 书店新书上架了 dialogue after lunch, sue and maggie decide to wander about the bookstores because they heard that some new books are on the market. 吃过午饭后,苏和麦琪打算去书店逛逛,因为她们听说一些新书上市了。 sue: yi zhongtian's books are best-sellers now. i heard that his new book has just appeared iores. i really like his books very much. 苏:易中天的书现在非常畅销。我听说他的一本新书刚刚上市。我特别喜欢他的书。 maggie: me too. i thought history is a drag before and i hated to read history books, but somehow i like it now. 麦琪:我也是。我以前觉得历史很枯燥乏味,还很讨厌看历史方面的书,但是现在我有点喜欢历史了。 sue: he covers historical subjects in such a way that is both erid expressive. 苏:他讲历史的方式很新颖,也很生动。 maggie: absolutely, all his analyses are based upoe reasoning and proofs that are very pelling. 麦琪:的确,他做的所有分析都有理有据,让人觉得很信服。 sue: yeah. i also got the hat professor yi zhongtian was going to sign his new book at the wangfujing book store. hurry up, or we won't get a book with his signature. maybe his books have been all sold out. 苏:是呀,我听说易中天教授要在王府井书店签名售书。快点,否则我们就拿不到他亲笔签名的新书了。或许他的书已经售完了。 notes 1. drag [dr?g] v. 拖,拉;迫使;缓慢行进; n. 拖,拉;累赘;阻力;令人厌倦的事物(或人) 2. erii:?u'terik] adj. 现代的,新近的;新式的;n. 现代人;现代作家 3. pelling [k?m'peli?] adj. 引人注目的;令人信服的 4. sell out 卖完;背叛,出卖 小贴士 1. it's helpful to read many books. 读书有益。 2. there are always advantages in opening a book. 开卷有益。 3. reading to the mind is what exercise to the body. 读书有益于精神,运动有益于身体。 4. reading is not only beneficial to widen our horizon but also helpful to master the language. 读书不仅有益于开阔视野,也有助于我们驾驭语言。 5. reading books every day bes our study. 每天读书非常有益于我们的学习。 6. reading is a great resource. 读书是一种极好的消遣。 7. i never grow weary of reading. 我对读书永远也不会厌倦。