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03 医疗保健 (第4/7页)
谢您了,医生。 notes 1. insomnia [in's?mni?] n. 失眠,失眠症 2. sleeping pill 安眠药片 3. drowsy [?drauzi] adj. 昏昏欲睡的,困倦的 4. blood pressure 血压 5. anemic [?'ni:mik] adj. 贫血的,患贫血症的;无活力的 6. prescription [pris'krip??n] n. 处方,药方;对策 小贴士 医院词汇: ese medie pharmacy 中药房 ic area 日间门诊 intensive care unit(icu) 加护病房 evening ic 夜间门诊 out-patiements(opd) 各科门诊 suggestions 民众意见箱 premature babies 早产儿室 admissions 住院室 volunteer services 义工服务台 clo / out 打卡刷卡区 information 服务台(询问处) iions 注射室 treatment room 治疗室 outpatient hall 门诊大厅 out-patient 门诊部 labor room 待产室 waiting area 候诊区 sterilization 消毒室 postpartum care ter 产后护理中心 al ward 新生儿病房 physis' lounge 医师休息室 medie receiving 取药处 nursery room / mother and baby room 育婴室 dept. chief office 科主任办公室 手术室前莫紧张 dialogue julie's colleague abel got a car act and was wounded so seriously that he needs aion immediately. now abel's parents and julie are waiting outside the operating theatre. 朱莉的同事艾贝尔出了车祸并且受伤很严重,需要马上动手术。现在亚伯的父母和朱莉正在手术室外等着。 mom: i wonder how the operation is going.i am really worried about abel. how did that happen? 妈妈:不知道手术进行得怎么样了。我真的很担心艾贝尔。他怎么会发生车祸呢? julie: please don't worry about abel. the doctor said he will try all means to save abel. i'm sure everything will be getting on very well during the operation. please sit down and take it easy. 朱莉:不要太担心艾贝尔了。医生说会尽全力抢救艾贝尔的。我相信手术会很顺利的。坐下来,别紧张。 mom: i 't help being worried. abel is still in dahe operation has lasted six hours. i wish the operation was do once, so i see my son. 妈妈:我怎么会不紧张呢。艾贝尔还没脱离危险。手术已经进行6个小时了。真希望手术马上结束,这样我就能看到我的儿子了。 julie: look! the doctor is ing from the theatre. 朱莉:看!医生出来了。 mom: doctor, did the surgery go smoothly? 妈妈:医生,手术还顺利吧? doctor: yeah, the operation lain sailing. but the patient o be placed in the hospital for observation at present. 医