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02 民以食为天 (第5/6页)
s? 苏珊:幸亏我们提前订了包间。你们看到我们后面排的那条长队了吗? julia: yeah, i'm glad that we booked the room. i'm starving! 朱莉亚:是呀,很高兴我们订了这个房间。我快要饿死了。 manager: let's take a look at the menu so we order. what about choosing an appetizer for us to share? 经理:咱们先看看菜单吧,这样才好点菜。你们想不想选个开胃菜一起吃? susan: good idea. 苏珊:好主意。 manager: what would you rather have,samosas or poppadoms? 经理:你们想吃哪个?咖喱角还是印度薄饼? susan: i heard that one of their specialties is the samosa. 苏珊:我听说他们的招牌菜之一是咖喱角。 manager: well, let's get a plate of that then. what are you going to have for the main course? 经理:哦,那咱们点份咖喱角好了。你们主菜想点什么? susan: i think i might have a dahl. it's got chickpeas aables in a spicy curry sauce with rice. 苏珊:我想要一份蔬菜咖喱。就是用咖喱辣酱煮的鹰嘴豆和一些蔬菜,再配上一份米饭。 julia: that sounds nice. do you want to share some kebabs as well? 朱莉亚:听起来很好吃。再来些烤肉串怎么样? manager: ok. do you want to have some wine or beer? 经理:好的。你们想不想喝点葡萄酒或者啤酒? julia: i think i'll have some beer. how about the others? 朱莉亚:我要啤酒好了。其他同事呢? susan: the same as you. 苏珊:和你一样。 notes 1. appetizer ['?pitaiz?] n. 开胃食品,开胃菜 2. samosa [s?'m?us?] n. 萨莫萨饼;咖喱角 3. poppadom ['p?p?d?m] n.(通常夹着咖哩吃的)一种印度薄饼 4. main course 主菜 5. dahl [dɑ:l] n. 用各种豆做的菜 6. chickpea ['t?ikpi:] n. 鹰嘴豆 7. kebab [k?'b?b] n. 烤肉串 小贴士 请客点菜的学问大 点菜也是一门学问,讲究时令、风味、价格、原料以及组合等。在选择饭店就餐时,首先要确定饭店的主题风味,最好不要选择号称什么都有的无派类。点菜时你还得考虑菜肴相互搭配及数量的问题。 step 1: read the entire menu(仔细阅读菜单) once you arrive, reading the entire menu carefully, including the descriptions. 到了店里要仔细阅读整个菜单,包括里面的简介。 step 2: skip the basics(跳过每个饭店都会有的那些家常菜) step 3: sk