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01 生活起居 (第4/8页)
ers and sneakers. however, maern businesses have adopted what is only referred to as casual fridays or dress-down fridays. they allow employees who are not dealing directly with the ers to wear casual attire, including some of the usually non-acceptable items mentioned above. 西方商界对于上班着装的观念比较保守,衣服不能太浮华张扬、太随便、太紧或太暴露。对于女士而言,比较常见的有长裤西服装、齐膝短裙或长裙、衬衫、正装长裤、夹克、高跟鞋和时装鞋这样的着装。而对于男式来说,大家认可的商务着装是西服和领带。公认职业装的颜色是黑色或灰色(暗色调或浅色调),但有些公司采用别的着装颜色,比如蓝色。以下罗列的着装在大多数白领工作场合通常是不被接受的:如牛仔裤、t恤衫、圆领背心、露趾或低帮鞋、平底鞋和运动鞋。然而,现在许多西方公司中都实行周五便装日,他们允许那些不直接接触客户的雇员们身着休闲装,包括上述一些在白领工作场合通常不被接受的服饰。 我为租房忙 dialogue john wants to rent a satisfactory apartment with a proper rent. but it's not easy. 约翰想租一个租金合理又令人满意的房子,但这并不容易。 hugh: i heard that you have bought a house, is that true? 休:我听说你买房了,是真的吗? john: oh, i always have the idea, but the house prices have gohrough the roof without any sign of redu these two years. i even 't afford the down payment of a house. i have chosen to rent a house instead of buying one. or else i am going to be me slaves for life. 约翰:哦,我是有那个想法,但是近两年的房价暴涨,而且丝毫没有下降的征兆,我连买房首付都付不起。我已经选择租房了。否则我就要成为终身房奴了。 hugh: have you rent a house? 休:你已经租到房子了吗? john: no, i have been busy with looking for an apartment lately near our pany. 约翰:没有,最近我一直忙着在公司附近寻找套房子。 hugh: that's good. you worry about being late any more for traffic jams. 休:那样很好啊。你再也不用担心因为交通拥堵而迟到了。 john: but i haven't found a satisfactory apartment. 约翰:但是我还没有找到让我满意的房子。 hugh: what kind of house do you have in mind oh? there are many houses as you required nearby. 休:你到底想找一个什么样的房子?这附近有很多这样的房子啊。 john: i know. but the rental of the houses with furniture aric appliances is too high. i don't think they deserve that price. 约翰:我知道。但是带家具和电器的房子租金太贵了,我觉得不值那个价钱。 hugh: how much is the rent? 休:租金多少?