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01 生活起居 (第2/8页)
夜的人,就是我们习惯说的“夜猫子”。 staying up late will reduce your time for sleeping a in ineffit rest and adjustment of brain and ans, which will cause severe harm to your health. staying up the whole night will take as muergy as when you climb the mountain all m. the disorder of the nervous system, such as insomnia,irritation, absent-mind and ay will ensue, redug your attention, thinking,aal ability. as for the skin, it will cause the water loss, gloomy skin,wrinkles, aes, and black circles and have effe eye sight as well. but do you know the “sleepless elite”? stists have identified a “sleepless elite”—a small group of people for whom a lie-in is a waste of time. rather than being tired,bad-tempered under-achievers, they are aiistid outgoing group who live a happy ahy life on just four or five hours of shut-eye a night. 熬夜使睡眠时间大大减少,导致大脑和器官得不到休息调整,这会给健康带来严重的危害。熬一夜损失的精力相当于登山一上午,由此造成失眠、易怒、健忘和焦虑不安等神经系统功能紊乱,使你的注意力、思考能力以及心理承受能力明显下降。熬夜会导致皮肤缺水、肤色暗淡、出现皱纹、长暗疮、黑眼圈,对视力也有很大的影响。但是你知道什么是“夜猫子精英”吗?科学家已证实存在“夜猫子精英”一族,对这些为数不多的人来说,睡懒觉就是在浪费生命。虽然睡眠时间短,但他们精力充沛、乐观向上、外向活泼,而不是疲惫而且坏脾气的“后进生”。他们每晚只睡4到5个小时,却生活得快乐且健康。 人靠衣裳马靠鞍 dialogue steven is w in an ameri pany.he meets his colleague julia in a dinning hall. 史蒂文在一家美国公司上班。他在餐厅里见到他的同事朱莉亚。 steven: hi, julia. would you like to sit here and join us? 史蒂文:嗨,朱莉亚。你愿意坐在这儿和我们一起吃吗? julia: i'd love to. it's so hot today that i hardly go out for dinner. 朱莉亚:很乐意。今天真热,我都不想出来吃饭了。 steven: yeah. i heard that wot around about our being able to dress more fortably during these hot days. look, i just wear a long-sleeve shirt. my suit and tie are in the offi case of seeing ers. what do you think of my clothes today? 史蒂文:是啊。我听说天太热了公司就会放松着装要求。你看我,就只穿了长袖衬衣。西装和领带在办公室里,以备着见客户时穿。你觉得我今天的穿着怎么样? julia: your dress shirt is fine, except that you are not wearing an undershir