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02 沟通协商 (第3/8页)
争议应通过友好协商解决。 2. we promise to try to solve the matter to your satisfa. 我们保证设法解决问题,让贵公司满意。 3. our pany will cover the losses arising from it. 因此而产生的损失由我方承担。 4. we agree to pensate for all the losses, but ask you to drop the lawsuit. 我们愿意赔偿所有的损失,但是我们要求贵公司撤诉。 5. if lements be reached through iation, the case shall be submitted to the arbitration ission for arbitration. 如果协商不能解决,该案件应提交仲裁委员会仲裁。 6. we feel pity that you shipped bulk produot corresponding in quality with the sample. 你们运来的这批货与样品的质量不相符,我们深感遗憾。 团队合作人心齐 dialogue elvin has been in the new pany for two months. his friend zina wants to know how elvis along with his job. 埃文在这家新公司已经工作两个月了。他的朋友吉娜想了解一下他的新工作怎么样。 zina: hi, elvin. how do you like your new job? 吉娜:你好,埃文。你的新工作怎么样啊? elvin: pretty good. my colleagues are all quite easy-going. it's a very friendly place to work. in all, everything is great so far. 埃文:很好。我的同事们都很好相处,工作气氛很和谐。总之,目前为止,一切都很好。 zina: that's really fine. have you learhe ropes at your new job? 吉娜:那太好了。你对你的新工作熟悉了吗? elvin: almost. i work in the sales department. the corporate culture is totally different from my former pany. when i was assigned a task at my last job, i was totally on my own. but here most of the work is done in teams. everyone works closely with each other. so i learn a lot from it a into the swing of it quickly. 埃文:差不多了。我在销售部工作,公司的企业文化和我以前所在的公司截然不同。以前我分配到任务后,就只靠一个人来完成。但是在那家公司,大多数的工作都是在团队里完成的。每个人都要和其他人密切合作。所以我从中学到很多东西,工作也很快就上手了。 zina: that's really eam—work is highly valued in many panies. it's very important to be involved ieam at work. 吉娜:很好啊。很多公司都特别注重团队合作。工作中融入团队是很重要的。 elvin: yeah, that's good for a positive work enviro and helps motivate employees. i prefer it t indepely. my former boss was