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01 接待客户 (第2/5页)
avel on busihat day. 那天我要出差。 8. i have a full schedule week. 我下周的时间都排满了。 热情招待客户 dialogue joho the airport to pick up a er.now he meets the er dan matthews. 约翰去机场接一位客户。现在他和客户丹·马修斯碰面了。 john: excuse me! i'm john smith from du pont fuel pany. are you dan matthews from abpany? 约翰:您好!我是杜邦燃油公司的约翰·史密斯,您是abc公司的丹·马修斯吗? dan: yes, i am. glad to meet you. 丹:是的,我是。很高兴见到你。 johoo. i am here to meet you. wele to wuhan! how was your flight? 约翰:我也是。我是到这儿接您的。欢迎您来武汉。旅途愉快吗? dan: it was fine except for a little long, all together nearly 6 hours. 丹:还好,就是时间有点长,全程将近6个小时。 john: that was a long flight. you must be tired now. 约翰:旅途是有点长,您现在一定累了。 dan: actually i feel pretty rested. i was able to sleep on the plane. 丹:实际上我休息得很好。我能在飞机上睡一会儿。 john: that's good. let me help you with ygage. 约翰:那样很好。我来帮您提行李吧。 dan: thanks. you are so kind. 丹:谢谢,你太好了。 john: that's all right. i've already made a western-style room reservation for you. let's go to the hotel first. and i've made arras for you to visit the city. gjiang river bridge and the huaower in wuhan are very famous, especially the noal sights over the river is really quite nice! 约翰:不用客气。我已经在一家酒店给您订了一间西式房间,我们先去那里吧。并且这个城市的游览计划我也已经给您安排好了。武汉的长江大桥和黄鹤楼是非常著名的景点,尤其是江上的夜景真的很美。 dan: oh, great. thank you for your hospitality. 丹:哦,太棒了。多谢你的热情款待。 john: we hope you will feel at home. let's go this way. our car is out in the parking lot. 约翰:我们希望您能宾至如归。请这边走,我们的车在停车场。 notes 1. rested ['restid] adj. 休息得好的;精力充沛的 2. reservation [?rez?'vei??n] n. 预订;保留;(印第安人的)居留地 3. noal [n?k't?:n?l]