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04 人事管理 (第3/6页)
ctor's note in tomorrow. 好吧,但是记着明天把医生开的证明拿来。 5. i've been busy with work for a long time and need a rest. 我很长一段时间都在忙工作,我需要休息。 6. would you please take your vacation after we finish the project? 你可以忙完这个工程之后再休假吗? 7. i 't make it to work today. i've got the flu. 我今天不能来上班了,我得了流感。 8. i want to have a three-week leave this month to prepare for my wedding. 我想这个月请3星期假筹办婚礼。 升职加薪看我的 dialogue king has worked in the pany for ht years. he wants to talk with the manager about a pay raise. 金在一家公司已经上班8年多了,他想和经理谈谈加薪的事。 king: excuse me, manager. may i have a word with you? 金:打扰了,经理。我能和你谈谈吗? manager: sure, e in. what i do for you? 经理:当然可以,请进。有什么事吗? king: well, sir, as you know, i have been an employee of this prestigious pany for more tha years. 金:先生,您知道的,我在这家很有声望的公司已经工作8年多了。 manager: yes, so you want… 经理:是的,那么你想…… king: i won't beat around the bush. i would like to ask you for a raise. at present i have two panies after me and so i think it's better to talk to you first. 金:我就不拐弯抹角了,我想要加薪。现在有两家公司想让我去,但是我想还是先和你谈谈比较好。 manager: a raise? i'd like to give you a raise, but this is just not the very time. 经理:加薪?我会给你加薪的,但这个时候不太合适。 king: i uand the position you are in, and i know that our pany's bes now are not very favorable, but you must take into sideration my hard work and loyalty to this firm for nearly a decade. 金:我理解你的处境,我也知道我们公司目前的效益不是很乐观,但是你必须考虑我的努力工作和对公司将近10年的忠心耿耿。 manager: given these factors and i don't want to start a brain drain, i'm willing to give you a ten pert raise. how about that? 经理:考虑到这些因素,而且我也不想让人才流失,我愿意给你加薪10%。怎么样? king: great! it's a deal! thank you! 金:太好了!就这么说定了,谢谢你。 notes 1. p