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02 电话礼仪 (第4/5页)
pocket)。如果你不在办公室而在外出差,那么你就经常会有一些out-of-pocket expenses。 例如: i'm out of pocket these days. 这段时间我不在。 要留言吗 dialogue maggie is making a phone call tates,but mr. gates is not in. she asks for leaving a message. 麦琪正在给盖茨先生打电话,但是盖茨先生不在。她想给他留言。 maggie: hello, this is maggie. may i speak tates, please? 麦琪:你好,我是麦琪。我想找盖茨先生。 a: i'm afraid he is not here now. he went out to call on a er just now. a:他现在不在,刚出去见客户了。 maggie: then what time will he be back? 麦琪:那他什么时候回来? a: i expect him back this afternoon. would you like to leave a message? a:可能要到下午了。你想要留言吗? maggie: thank you. i'd like to. would you tell him to call me at 6588758 as soon as he's back? 麦琪:谢谢你,我要留言。他一回来就让他给6588758回电话好吗? a: ok. i'll make sure that he gets the message. a:好的。我保证他会收到留言的。 maggie: thank you. bye-bye. 麦琪:非常感谢。再见。 a: you're wele, bye! a:不客气,再见。 notes 1. call on 访问,拜访;号召,要求 2. leave a message 留言 小贴士 1. could you just tell her susan called? 能否转告她苏珊找她? 也可以这样说: just tell her there was a call from susan. 2 please ask her to call me back.. 请让她给我回电话。 也可以这样说: would you tell her to give me a ring when she's back? 3. please tell him to e to the pany quickly. 请告诉他速来公司。 4. no, thank you. it's nothing urgent. 谢谢,不用,没有什么要紧事。 5. i must discuss the work with him. 我一定要和他讨论这项工作。 6. would you like to leave a message? 你想留言吗? 也可以这样说: do you have a message? 7. would you like to leave your name and number? 你愿意留下姓名和电话号码吗? 8. may i have your name, please? 请问您贵姓? 也可以这样说: may i have your n