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02 电话礼仪 (第2/5页)
u at a bad time. 希望没有打扰你。 5. who is that speaking? 请问您是哪位? 也可以这样说: who is calling, please? 6. i'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 抱歉让你久等了。 7. could you just wait for a moment, please? 请稍等一会儿好吗? 不小心打错电话 dialogue julia wants to call mr. kant of the finance department. but she got the wrong number. 朱莉亚想要给财务部的康德先生打电话,但是她拨错号码了。 julia: hello, could i speak to mr. kant? 朱莉亚:你好,我可以和康德先生通电话吗? a: there are two mr. kants here. whie do you like to talk to? a: 这有两位康德先生。您找哪一个? julia: i'd like to talk to james kant. may i have him? 朱莉亚:我找吉姆斯·康德。我可以和他讲话吗? a: sorry, i beg your pardon? a:不好意思,请再说一遍。 julia: james kant. 朱莉亚:吉姆斯·康德。 a: i'm sorry, but there's no one here by that name. a:对不起,没有这个人。 julia: isn't this the finance department? 朱莉亚:这不是财务部吗? a: i'm afraid you dialed the wrong his is the home telephone. a:恐怕你拨错号码了,这是家庭电话。 julia: oh, sorry to have bothered you. 朱莉亚:哦,真对不起,打扰您了。 a: it doesn't matter. a:没关系。 notes 1. finance departmen 财务部 2. dial ['dai?l] v. 拨号,打电话 3. bother ['b?e?] v. 烦扰,使恼怒;使不安,费心 小贴士 1. i'm sorry, but we don't have anyone by that name here. 对不起,我们这没这个人。 也可以这样说: i'm sorry, but there is no one called susan here. 2. oh, sorry to have disturbed you. 哦,真对不起,打扰您了。 3. i beg you pardon? mr. who? 请再说一遍,你找谁? 4. what number are y to dial? 你要的电话是什么号码? 也可以这样说: what number are you calling? 5. will you check the number again, please? 请您再核对一下电话号码好吗? 6. i suggest you look in the phone book again. 我建议您再查一下电话簿。