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之和。Kautilya,Arthashastra, 9.1.17, p. 589. 29. See Boesche,First Great Political Realist, 38ndash;42, 51ndash;54, 88ndash;89. 30. Max Weber, Politics as a Vocation, as quoted in ibid., 7. 31.当时,阿育王因宣扬佛教和非暴力而受到崇敬,但他完成了征服大业之后才采纳了这些理念,用它们来加强他的统治。 32. Robert Kaplan,The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About ing flicts and the Battle Against Fate(New York: Random House, 2012), 237. 33. John Robert Seeley,The Expansion of England: Two Courses of Lectures (London: Macmillan, 1891), 8. 34. Sir John Strachey,India (London: Kegan, Paul, Trench, 1888),as quoted in Ramadra Guha,India After Gandhi: The History of the Worlds Largest Democraew York: Ecco, 2007), 3. 35. Jawaharlal Nehru, Indias Fn Policy (speech delivered at the stituent Assembly, New Delhi, December 4, 1947), inIndependend After: A Colle of Speeches, 1946ndash;1949 (New York: John Day, 1950), 204ndash;5. 36. As quoted in Baldev Raj Nayar and T. V. Paul, India in the World Order:Searg for MajorPower Status(NewYork: Cambridge Uy Press, 2003), 124ndash;25. 37. As quoted in ibid., 125. 38. Jawaharlal Nehru, Speech to the Bandung ference Political ittee (1955), as printed in G. M. Kahin,The AsianAfri fereha.Y.: ell Uy Press, 1956), 70. 39. Agreement (with Exge of Notes) on Trade and Intercourse Between Tibet Region of a and India, Sig Peking, on 29 April 1954, United Nations Treaty Series, vol. 299 (1958), 70.