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11. Suganami, Japary into Iional Society, 186ndash;89. 12. President Millard Fillmore to the Emperor of Japan (presented by odore Perry on July 14, 1853), in Francis Hawks and Matthew Perry,Narrative of the Expedition of an Ameri Squadron to the a Seas and Japan, Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854, Uhe and of odore M. C. Perry, Uates Navy, by Order of the Gover of the Uates(Washington, D.C.: A. O. P. Nicholson,1856), 256ndash;57. 13. Translation of the Japanese reply to President Fillmores letter, in ibid., 349ndash;50. 14. Meiji Charter Oath, inJapanese Gover Dots, ed. W. W. McLarehesda, Md.: Uy Publications of America, 1979), 8. 15. Japanese memorandum delivered to the Ameri Secretary of State Cordell Hull, December 7, 1941, as quoted in Pyle,Japan Rising, 207. 16. See, for example, Yasuhiro Nakasone, A Critical View of the Postwar stitution (1953), in Sources of Japaradition, ed. Wm. Theodore de Bary, Carol Gluck, and Arthur E. Tiedemann (New York: bia Uy Press, 2005), 2:1088ndash;89. 中曾根这篇讲话是在哈佛大学的国际研讨会上做的,开办研讨会是为使世界各国的年轻领导人接触了解美国的学术环境。中曾根论称,为了加速日本与美国永久友谊的发展,日本的独立防卫能力应当加强,与美国的伙伴关系应更加平等。30年后中曾根成为日本首相,卓有成效地推动了这方面的政策,并得到了美国总统里根的支持。 17. National Security Strategy (Provisional Translation) (Tokyo: Ministry of Fn Affairs, December 17, 2013), 1ndash;3. The dot, adopted by Japans et, stated that its principles will guide Japans national security policy over the decade. 18. S. R