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s at of the iating reakes refereo events and proposals described in a number of sources, including the Arms trol Association, History of Official Proposals on the Iranian Nuclear Issue, January 2013; Lyse Doucet, alks: Neroach for Iran at Almaty, BBC.co.uk, February 28, 2013; David Feith, How Ira Nuclear,Wall Street Journal, March 2, 2013; Lara Jakes aer Leonard, World Powers Coax Iran into Saving alks,Miami Herald, February 27, 2013; Semira N. Nikou, Timeline of Irans Nuclear Activities (Uates Institute of Peace, 2014); Timeline: Iranian Nuclear Dispute, Reuters, June 17, 2012; Hassan Rohani, Beyond the Challenges Fag Iran and the IAEA ing the Nuclear Dossier (speech to the Supreme Cultural Revolution cil),Rahbord, September 30, 2005, 7ndash;38, FBISIAP20060113336001; Steve Rosen, Did Iran Offer a lsquo;Grand Bargain in 2003?,Ameri Thinker, November 16, 2008; and Joby Warrid Jason Rezaian, Iran alks End on Upbeat Note,Washington Post,February 27, 2013. 25. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, remarks to members of the Iranian Majles (Parliament), Fars News Agency, as translated and excerpted in KGS NightWatews report, May 26, 2014. 26. David Remnick, Going the Distanew Yorker, January 27, 2014. 27. Address by Yitzhak Rabin to a joint session of the U.S. gress, July 26, 1994, online archive of the Yitzhak Rabier. 第五章亚洲的多样性 1. Philip B, What Is lsquo;Asia?,Far Eastern Eic Review, February 12, 1987.