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ld Civilization, vol. 1,The Classical Age of Islam (Chicago: Uy of Chicago Press, 1974). 5. Majid Khadduri,The Islamic Law of Nations: Shaybanis Siyar (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Uy Press, 1966), 13. 6. Majid Khadduri,ea the Law of Islam (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Uy Press, 1955), 56. See also Kennedy,Great Arab quests,48ndash;51; Bernard Lewis,The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years (New York: Touchstone, 1997), 233ndash;38. 7. 民主制和人权推动了人们为实现全球变革采取行动。在此意义上,事实证明它们的内涵和适用性比跟在军队后面迫使他人皈依的宗教教义更灵活。毕竟不同国家人民的民主意愿可以带来极其不同的结果。 8. Labeeb Ahmed Bsoul,Iional Treaties (Mu had t)in Islam: Theory and Practi the Light of Islamiternational Law(Siyar)Acc to Orthodox Schools (Lanham,Md.: Uy Press of America,2008), 117. 9. Khadduri,Islamic Law of Nations, 12.See also Bsoul,Iional Treaties,108ndash;9. 10. See James Piscatori, Islam iernational Order, inThe Expansion of Iional Society, ed. Hedley Bull and Adam Watson (New York: Oxford Uy Press, 1985), 318ndash;19; Lewis,Middle East, 305; Olivier Roy,Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah (New York: bia Uy Press, 2004), 112 (on porary Islamist views); Efraim Karsh,Islamic Imperialism: A History (New Haven, .: Yale Uy Press, 2006), 230ndash;31. But see Khadduri,ea the Law of Islam, 156ndash;57 (oraditional ditions under which territory captured by nonMuslims might revert to being part ofdar alharb). 11. An analysis of this schism and its modern impliay be found in Vali Nasr,The Shia Revival: How flicts Within Islam Will Shape the