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Emergence of Russia (New York: Collier Books, 1962), 45. 11. Cowles,Romanovs, 26ndash;28; Sumner,Peter the Great and the Emergence of Russia, 27; Figes,Natashas Dance, 4ndash;6. 12. Catherine II,Nakaz (Instru) to the Legislative ission of 1767ndash;68, in Dmytryshyn, Imperial Russia, 80. 13. Maria Lipman, Lev Gudkov, Lasha Bakradze, and Thomas de Waal, The Stalin Puzzle: Deciphering PostSoviet Public Opinion (Washington, D.C.: egie Endowment for Iional Peace, 2013) (对当代俄罗斯人的民意调查显示,47%的人接受以下说法:斯大林是一位睿智的领导人,他使苏联繁荣强大。30%的俄罗斯人认同以下说法:我国人民永远需要一位像斯大林一样的领导人。他将现身恢复秩序。) 14. Catherine II,Nakaz (Instru) to the Legislative ission of 1767ndash;68, 80. 15. Nikolai Karamzin on Czar Alexander I, as quoted in W. Bruce Lin,The Romanovs: Autocrats of All the Russias (New York: Anchor Books, 1981), 489. 16. Halperin,Russia and the Golden Horde,126. 17. Fyodor Dostoevsky,A Writers Diary (1881), as quoted in Figes,Natashas Dance, 308. 18. Pyotr Chaadaev, Philosophical Letter (1829, published 1836), as quoted in Figes,Natashas Dance, 132, and Dmytryshyn, Imperial Russia, 251. 恰达耶夫的评论因一针见血而广为流传,尽管当局马上查封此文,宣布作者有神经病,并把他置于警察监视之下。 19. Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkov, May 24, 1882, editorial inMoskovskie vedomosti (Mosews), as excerpted in Verdansky,A Source Book for Russian History, 3:676. 20. Figes,Natashas Dance, 150. 21. Lin, The Romanovs, 404ndash;5. 22. Ibid., 405. 23. Wilhelm Schwarz,Die Heilige Allianz