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腓特烈治下的疆土东边三面与波兰接壤,另一面邻波罗的海。 25. Gerhard Ritter,Frederick the Great: A Historical Profile, trans. Peter Paret (Berkeley: Uy of California Press, 1968), 29ndash;30. 26. Frederick II of Prussia,Oeuvres, 2, XXV (1775), as quoted in Friedrich Meinecke,Machiavellism: The Doe of Raisoe;tat and Its Pla Modern History, trans. Douglas Scott (New Haven, .: Yale Uy Press, 1957) (inally published in German, 1925), 304. 27. Not so bad for the eve of a great battle. Frederick II, as quoted in Otto von Bismarck,Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman (New York: Harper Brothers, 1899), 316; and Otto von Bismarck,The Kaiser vs. Bismarck: Suppressed Letters by the Kaiser and Neters from the Autobiography of the Iron cellor(New York: Harper Brothers, 1921), 144ndash;45. 28. 正如蒲柏在1734年所说,关于种种治理方式的问题,还是让愚人去争论吧。什么治理效果最好,什么就是最好的。Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man (1734), epistle iii, lines 303ndash;4. 29. As quoted in G. P. Gooch,Frederick the Great (Berkeley: Uy of California Press, 1947), 4ndash;5. 30. David A. Bell,The First Total War: Napoleons Europe and the Birth of Warfare as We Know It (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007), 5. 31. 一些论著生动讲述了这一社会现象。See Susan Mary Alsop, The gress Dances: Vienna,1814ndash;1815 (New York: Harper Row, 1984); Adam Zamoyski, Rites of Peace:The Fall of Napoleon and the gress of Vienna (London: HarperPress, 2007).