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第94页 (第1/2页)
亨利:Thank you, John. (谢谢你!) 刘俊豪:Thatrsquo;s okay. (不用客气。) 夏洛特电话响起。她打开电话,视窗上显示有短信,阅读短信。 亨利:Whatrsquo;s it (是什么?) 夏洛特:Itrsquo;s from Phil. We were right. They are laying hands on the Great Bear Rai. (是菲尔。我们没错,他们的魔掌终于伸向了大熊雨林。) 亨利挣扎着坐起:We got to stop them. (我们必须阻止他们。)(脸部变形,表情痛苦:) Ouch! (哎哟!) 刘俊豪和夏洛特急忙扶着亨利躺下。 夏洛特:You donrsquo;t worry about that. Irsquo;m gonna do it myself. (你别担心那么多,我会一个人去的。) 亨利:How could you They could be much strohan we imagine. You need somebody to help you. (那怎么行?他们可能比我们想象的要强大得多。你需要人帮助你。) 刘俊豪皱眉:What are you talking about Do you need my help (你们在谈论什么?需要我的帮助吗?) 夏洛特摇头:No. That would be too much. (不,那样太过分了。) 刘俊豪:You were just saying about the Great Bear Rai. Are y to stop someones from logging it (你们刚才说到了大熊雨林。你们是试图阻止有人砍伐雨林吗?) 夏洛特:How do you know that (你是怎么知道的?) 刘俊豪:I watched the TV news. (我看了新闻报道。) 亨利:John carried me down here and I know he is a good guy. (刘俊豪把我背下来,我知道他是个好人。) 夏洛特再次打量刘俊豪。 刘俊豪活动一下手腕,在停车场上翻了个跟斗,然后马步蹲立,双掌用力往两侧推出。 夏洛特:Bruce Lee! (李小龙!) 刘俊豪得意:Yeah. I fight. (对,我会打架。) 夏洛特竖起大姆指:Great! (好!) 远处,一辆救护车呼啸而来。刘俊豪直立站起,若有所思。 刘俊豪心想:我的包还在山上,不如就这样hellip;hellip; 救护车开到近前。刘俊豪急忙躲到近处一辆车的背后。 救护车停下,救护人员下车,将亨利抬上车去。 夏洛特准备跟上车去,回头却不见刘俊豪,便在停车场四处寻找。 夏洛特:John, where are you (刘俊豪,你在哪儿?) 救护车发动。夏洛特转身。救护车鸣着警笛开走。