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第82页 (第1/2页)
雪丽舒了口气、向菲尔投去感激的一瞥:Oh, thank you, Phil. (哦,谢谢你,菲尔!) 工人们交头接耳地议论起来。 雪丽扭头对辛笛儿:dy, please e here. (辛笛儿,请到这里来。) 辛笛儿走过来,菲尔将辛笛儿拉上花圃台子。 雪丽高声:My dear friends, this is Ms. Xin from a. Do you want to know why shersquo;d like to visit ada (我的朋友们,这位是从中国来的辛小姐。你们想知道她为什么要来访问加拿大吗?) 雪丽对辛笛儿:dy, tell them why. (辛笛儿,说说为什么。) 辛笛儿稍稍紧张:Before, before I came, I k is beautiful here. But after these days traveling around, I know that I am pletely overwhelmed by the natural beauty of ada. (在我来之前,我知道这里很美。但经过这几天的旅游,我感到我已经完全被加拿大的自然美景所征服。) 雪丽跟辛笛儿握手:Thank you, dy. Thank you very much! (谢谢你,辛笛儿!非常感谢你!) 雪丽抬头高声:Who would e if we had destroyed our natural beauty, had destroyed the Great Bear Rai Nobody! Then, who would suffer We, we adian, our families, our parents, brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters, and our friends. The adian ey would suffer, and we would lose our Jobs. (如果我们破坏了自然环境,毁掉了大熊雨林,谁还会来?没人再来!那么受害的是谁?是我们加拿大人,我们的家庭,我们的父母、兄弟姐妹、儿女,还有朋友。加拿大的经济会受损害,我们将失去工作。) 工人们的议论声变大。 工人甲高声:No, wersquo;re not the bad guy! Wersquo;re not gonna do that! (不,我们不是那个坏蛋。我们不能这么做!) 工人乙高声:Wersquo;re not gonroy our natural beauty. Wersquo;re not gonroy the Great Bear Rai! (我们不能破坏自然美景!我们不能破坏大熊雨林!) 众工人齐声:Wersquo;re not gonroy the Great Bear Rai! (我们不能破坏大熊雨林!) 格登先气得脸色发白,胸膛起伏。接着他冷静下来,带头鼓起掌来。众人将怀疑的目光投向他。格登见时机已到,跑上台阶,跳上另一个花圃台子。 格登对雪丽:Thank you for your moving story. (谢谢你的动人故事!)(转向工人,大声:)You may lose your job iure as she depicted. But who knows It may happen 30 or 40 years later when yoursquo;ll retire. Or it would n