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第68页 (第1/2页)
胡杨:啊,这帮村官怎么这么昏庸啊! 迈克:哈,其实他们是为村民的安全着想。 老人继续讲述:Tree fallers came to cut the old tree. But our residents refused to let them do so and didnrsquo;t leave the trunk. The Eik Cedar Tree lashed in headline news of national media such as the National Post and the Globe and Mail. It quickly became the most famous tree in ada. One night in the middle of the standoff, two brave young men climbed 25 meter up the ground to live iree\'s opy for 28 days. They refused to leave the tree until they were assured that the tree would be preserved. A year later in March 2002, Tofino Mayor and cil approved the project to preserve the old Eik Cedar tree. (伐木工人来了。但是,我们的村民围着树干,不让他们砍。这样,这棵老红杉树就成了国内媒体的头版头条新闻,这棵老树也成了加拿大最有名的树。僵局持续着。一天夜里,两名勇敢的年轻人爬上树去,在离地25米高的树冠里住了28天,直到当局向他们保证不再砍树,他们才下来。到了一年后的2002年3月,村长和议会批准了加固保护这棵老红杉树的工程。) 胡杨走近红杉树,合掌低头默念。 迈克笑:你把它当菩萨拜了。你跟它说了什么? 老人笑:They say it is our Mascot Tree. You say three wishes in front of it. (他们说,它是我们的吉祥树,你可以许三个愿。) 迈克笑:Are you serious (真的吗?) 老人含笑点头。迈克看了一眼胡杨。 迈克:One would be enough for me. (我许一个愿就够了。) 迈克走到胡杨身边,也合掌对着老树小声说着什么。 不列颠哥伦比亚省西北海岸、林间一块孤立岩石旁。 五名警察往回走。 警官乙:How could they be so quick (他们怎么跑得这么快?) 警官甲看到大岩石,绕着大岩石转了一圈,看到岩面上有新鲜脚印。其他警察也都围了上来。 警官甲冷笑,抬头望着岩顶,喊:e down! Irsquo;ve seen you. (下来吧!我看到你们了。) 岩顶上没有动静。 警官乙:Did you really see them (你真的看到他们了?) 警官甲瞪了警官乙一眼:Yeah, I did. (对,我看见了。)(突然吼道:)Climb up and catch them! (爬上去抓住他们!) 警察们急忙搭人梯,往岩石上爬。但他们几次都落了下来,未成功。终于警官乙爬到了岩顶的边沿。他一手抠紧岩边一手从腰间掏枪