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第十七章 Disslve(H) (第2/2页)
林澍之双手抚摸着周与儒的腰际,下身翘起,迎着男人深入的双指,触碰着男人火热的巨物,还想要的更多。 男人双指刚抽出,女人立刻双腿环住了男人的腰际,欲求不满地扭动起来。 周与儒进而抱坐起林澍之,林澍之小手轻拨开男人的遮挡,轻捏着巨物,缓慢放入湿透的肉穴。 女人轻扣男人的脖颈,男人慢拖女人的臀瓣,一声轻哼,迎着一声沉闷,一声喘息,迎着另一分轻吻。就有如泡腾片突入清水,各自在彼此的身体激烈、溶解。 No flask keep it Bubble up and cut right through But you're someone I believe in You heat me like a filament Anytime you're in the room But you burned me and I'm smoking I just wanted you to watch me dissolve Slowly In a pool full of your love But I don't even know how the chemistry works When you're poolside Kig in the dirt Kig in the sand And stirring up trouble ... I just wanted you to watch me dissolve... I just wanted you to watch me dissolve... Slowly... I just wanted you to watch me dissolve... I just wanted you to watch me dissolve... Slowly... lt;Absofacto Dissolvegt;